estimate Pwr +Grade
Is an accurate cycling estimated power for all watch and Edge Computers. This is the same power calculation that is used in the DozenCycle (CIQ 2.0+ devices), but packaged as a simple data field. This is a companion datafield for DozenCycle and watches with IQ version 1.3/1.4 (or lower).
Provides 3 Custom IQ Graphs
- Est Power graph
- % Grade graph
- FTP graph (graph start after 20 minutes)
Provides 3 IQ session data
- Activity Power data
- Maximum Activity Power data
- Max FTP data
This Data field needs to be added to the Bike app within your watch to view.
Configuration Setup
- Power Estimate Connect configuration variables.
- (defaults will be close but fine tuning will give reasonable accuracy)
- Cycle and gear weight: (in Kg)
- only cycle and gear
- body weight is entered from watch.
- default value = 20
- Crr (Coefficient Rolling resistance) :
- use this web site for your tire Crr:
- http://www.cyclingpowerlab.com/TyreSelection.aspx
- default value = 0.003
- Cd (CoeffiecentDrag )
- A (frontal Area as meters squared)
- http://www.cyclingpowerlab.com/CyclingAerodynamics.aspx
- default value = 0.6
- Estimated Max FTP
- Saved from Cycle Session
- Stored as reference as the Maximum FTP ever recorded
- Show Power, Grade or Both:
- Show Power (Default)
- Show Grade
- Show Both (Power and Grade)
- Sets value to display on the screen
- Grade: Show Negative:
- Yes, using the “-” (-20.1)
- will reduce text size.
- Yes, use “.” (.20.1)
- No, only Grade will be shown. (20.1)
- Yes, using the “-” (-20.1)
- Grade: Show Decimal Values:
- Yes, display grade as (20.1)
- Now, display grade as (20)
- Calculate Power Always:
- (uncheck / Off) Power is not calculated, if Pedal Cadence is = 0
- (check / On) Power always calculated regardless to Pedal Cadence
- Typical Setting
- (Uncheck / Off) Yes, using External Cadence sensor
- (Check / On) No, Cadence sensor attached
- Default is (Uncheck / Off)