Condition: %conditionicon2% %currentcond%
Temperature: %temp%
Feels Like: %feelslike% °F
Wind Chill: %windchill% °F
Dew Point: %dew%
Humidity: %hum% %
%baroininches2dp% in. (%barotrendtext%)
Wind: %avgspd% – %dirlabel%
Rain: %dayrnusa% (%rainratehr%/hr)
UV Index: %uv%
Apparent Temp: %ajaxapparenttemp%
Solar Energy: %ajaxsolar% W/m2
Updated: %date% %time%
Five Day Stahlstown Forecast
Radar with Local Station CW9002
Local Radar (Pittsburgh, Base Reflectivity 0.50 Degree Elevation Range 124 NMI)
Storm Total Radar (1 Hour Running Surface Rainfall Accumulation Range 124 NMI)
Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 6152 with UV and Solar