-8 Activities in one application(Open Water*, Lap Pool*, Stationary swimming, kick-board ,Water Cardio and HotTub/Spa)
-5 Lap Methods: Manual Button, AutoLap (by Position, by Distance, by pool length and by pool set)
-Supports Transition to the next Activity
-5 Metric Lap Pool Distance detection that works.*** Counts laps and distance.
-4x faster GPS for open water
-IQ Graphs:Distance/Stroke, Seconds/stroke, Energy Expenditure Consumption, SwimSports+ SWOLF
-IQ DATA: Average Stroke Rate, SwimSports+ Distance, Average distance/stroke, Total Strokes, and Battery used
-Sensor Support (Heart Rate, Optical HR# and Tempe temperature)
-Adjustable pool length with no size restrictions
-Supports Meters and Yards
-Quick Change: Activity Select, Pool Size and Lap Method
-Summary Screen Rest Screen and 3 LARGE screens
-Quick Detect Rest Mode Screen (Lap Swim modes only)
-Easy read start screen
-Similar ‘Look and Fee’l from all fbbbrown Apps
-31 different data to pick from.
Quick How to use:
- Select Activity at watch at start screen long press Menu Button or long touch screen
- For Lap Swim Modes, set pool Length (only needs done once), Use Manual Lap button, Autolap By Length or Autolap By Set
- For Open Swim Modes, Use Manual Lap button, Autolap By Distance or Autolap By Position. Set the Lap Distance. The units are automatically set to your watches units.
- For In-Place Modes, Use Manual Lap button or Autolap By Distance.
- -Set the Lap Distance. The units are automatically set to your watches units.
- -Set the Stroke Distance, typical are 0.5 – 1.5. this is the distance traveled with one arm stroke
- -Set the Lap Distance. The units are automatically set to your watches units.
Select Lap Method
–Manual – Use lap button press
–Autolap By Distance: App will lap when lap distance is reached and repeat. Set lap distance either Meters or Yards. The units are automatically set to your watches units.
–Autolap By Pool Length Detect: App will lap when detects short pause in arm movement. Approximately short 0.5 seconds – 1.0 second pause is needed to detect lap.
Approximately short 0.5 seconds – 1.0 second pause is needed to detect lap.
–Autolap By Set Detect: App will lap when detects short pause in arm movement at pool length for distance calculation, after set and long get pause, app will lap and start rest mode.
Approximately short 0.5 seconds – 1.0 second pause is needed to detect lap. Extended pause 4 second for end of set.
–Autolap Lap By Position. Open Swim only. SwimSports will lap when the watch passes the starting location or the second GPS Location. Two Positions supported: @start location and second location (set with lap button press).
-Second location: repress lap button to relocate a new second position.
3.) Start Press Start to Start Activity, Press Start again to Pause, Save or Discard activity
4.) Lap Mode: press lap button for Rest Mode. Screen will blink yellow during rest
Supported Sensors (ANT+/BLE)
- HeartRate (Internal / External)
- Temperature (Internal/Tempe)
- Internal Power sensor
- Internal Gyroscope sensor
- Internal Accelerometer sensor
- SwimSport+ Configuration:
- Access Configuration
- SwimSports Start Screen
- At Start Screen Long Press the Up-Button or long touch screen
- Garmin Express SwimSports settings
- App set or IQ Store App Configuration Settings.
- SwimSports Start Screen
- Access Configuration
Configuration Garmin Express or IQ Store Apps
- Unlocking Settings
- Expiration – date License is expired or other information
- Enter Activated Email – Use your purchase email to unlock. (using another email will not work)
- Update Licenses – forces the watch app to refresh the license information.
- Select Activity
- Open water: GPS on, GPS Distance and Lap by Distance and Position enabled
- Lap swimming: GPS Off, Lap Turn functions enabled, stroke detection and Lap by Distance and by Lap Detection.
- Generic Open water and Lap swimming: Saves Activity as ‘Other’ to allow optical heart rate. After save to Connect, Edit Activity to Swim.
- In-place swimming – Special Lap Mode that allow detection of distance per stroke.
- Kick Board – Special Lap Mode that Labels activity as Kick Board.
- Water Cardio – An Activity type that allows water activities other than swimming: Polo, Aerobics, Running, low impact water fun.
- Hot Tub / Spa – Saves your recovery and relaxation time to maintain recovery time.
- Pool Size (m) – For Lap Swimming Modes only, enter the Lap Pool size in meters as Decimal (i.e. 25.00). Minimum pool size is 5 meters.
- For 25yds use 22.86m. Watch Start screen will show custom pool size. (Conversion 1 yd = 0.9144 meters)
- Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Settings
- GPS (GPS): Single-GNSS GPS System
- +GLONASS (GPS+GLONASS): Dual Band-GNSS L1: GPS and GLONASS Systems (CIQ 3.2+)
- +GALILEO (GPS+GALILEO): Dual Band-GNSS L1: GPS and GALILEO Systems (CIQ 3.2+)
- +BEIDOU (GPS+BEIDOU): Dual Band-GNSS L1: GPS and BEIDOU Systems (CIQ 3.3.6+)
- GNSS L5: (GPS_L5,GLON,GALI_L5,BEI_L5): Multi-Band L1 & L5: GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO and BEIDOU Systems (CIQ 3.3.6+)
- AutoGNSS (AutoGNSS(SatIQ)): Garmin’s Multi-Band GNSS option. Saves battery at High GNSS Resolution (CIQ 3.3.6+)
- Recommend Using:
- GPS+GALILEO (GNSS Dual Band) for CIQ 3.2+ watches
- GNSS L1L5 (GNSS Multi Band) for CIQ 3.3.6+ watches
- Pace Switch – when enable Pace (distance/time), Disable Speed is shown mph or km/hr
- Always Show Rest Screen – when enable the Rest Screen is displayed in all modes, otherwise only displayed in Lap swimming modes.
- SaO2 Sensor – when enable SaO2 sensor is enable and data is displayed and Graphed, otherwise all SaO2 functions are disabled.
- Alert Timer – a value in minutes to display an alert to the user. The alert will repeat in minutes. Zero (0) disables this feature.
- Invert Colors – when disables app uses Dark Display Theme, Enabled Light Display Theme. AMOLED display watches, should keep this option disabled.
- Touchscreen Lock – Override for watch touchscreen lock function. Disable: touchscreen watch will disable the touchscreen swipe options. Enable: Swipe functions will be enabled.
- AutoScroll Screen – value in seconds, display screen scrolls to next page. Value zero (0) is disables Display Scroll function.
- Transition to Next App – When set, SwimSports will transition to the selected application after user selects the Start/Stop button and selects Transitions. This will create a new activity in Connect, but will maintain total time, total distance, total Calories and total Steps( when available )
- Screen Datafield Display options – select the Datafield option(s) for the screen location.
Configuration at Watch (Start Screen)
- Select Activity – Quick Select the SwimSports Activity desired(see above)
- Pool size: Entered pool length in meters. 25yds = 22.86 meters (decimal values must use Connect Configuration Setting)
- Lap method:
- Manual – Use lap button press
- Autolap By Distance: Set lap distance either Meters or Yards
- Autolap By Pool Length Detect: Detects short pause in arm movement. Approximately short 0.5 seconds – 1.0 second pause is needed to detect lap.
- Approximately short 0.5 seconds – 1.0 second pause is needed to detect lap.
- Autolap By Set Detect: Detects short pause in arm movement at pool length for distance calculation, after set and long get pause, app will lap and start rest mode.
- Approximately short 0.5 seconds – 1.0 second pause is needed to detect lap. Extended pause 4 second for end of set.
- Autolap Lap By Position. Open Swim only. Two Positions supported: @start location and second location (set with lap button press). SwimSports+ will lap every time the watch passes either location.
- Distance/Stroke – Inplace Swimming Only- Enter Distance in meters travels per stroke. Default (0.55) is recommend.
- GPS (Open Swim modes only) – select GNSS mode.
- Recommend Using:
- GPS+GALILEO (GNSS Dual Band) for CIQ 3.2+ watches
- GNSS L1L5 (GNSS Multi Band) for CIQ 3.3.6+ watches
- Recommend Using:
- TouchScreen Lock Override (see above)
- Unlock – unlock app at the watch, Use Garmin Connect.
- Help – provides QRT code to help pages
- (with connect active on phone will open help page)
- Purchase – provides QRT code to purchase pages
- (with connect active on phone will open purchase page)
Configuration at Watch (During Activity)
- Long Press Up-Button (or Long touch Screen )
- Features in this menu depends on watch model
- Lap Method (see above)
- Lock Screen: Locks button press and touch screen, except long up button press and long screen touch
- Speed/Pace: show Pace or Speed
- Invert Color: (Dark/Light) select color theme
- AutoScroll: (On/off )sets auto scroll to 5 seconds rotate screen.
- Transition+-> – When set, SwimSports will transition to the selected application after user selects the Start/Stop button and selects Transitions. This will create a new activity in Connect, but will maintain total time, total distance, total Calories and total Steps(when available )
- Distance/Stroke – Inplace Swimming Only- Enter Distance in meters travels per
- GPS Modes or AutoLap by Position will not work with Breast, Side Strokes or strokes that arms are always submerged.
- *Generic Activities available to bypass optical HR restrictions.
- **GPS is 4x more active for improved open water.
- **GPS signal is blocked while GPS receiver is submersed in water. Results may provide improved results due to increased sampling.
- ***Due to Garmin policy, Non-GPS distance values cannot be written to the main distance fields in Garmin Connect. SwimSport+ writes the NonGPS Distance Data in CIQ data section.
- #Optical HR will use ‘Other’ Activity Type.
ET = Elapsed Time
c = Calories
c/hr = Calories/hour (Energy Expenditure)
HR = Heart Rate
aHR = Average Heart Rate
ltime = current lap time
lsp = current lap speed
lltime = last lap time
llsp = Last lap speed
C or F = Degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit
TE = Training Effect (1 = low -> 5 = Very High)
mSpd = Maximum Speed
mHR = Maximum Heart Rate
strk = Stroke Distance
astrk = Average Stroke Distance
Sec/Strk = Seconds per stroke
strks = Total Strokes
TOD = Time of Day
SWOLF = SwimSports SWOLF
GSWOLF = Garmin SwimSports SWOLF
Gastrk = Garmin Average Stroke Distance
AutoLap by Position
How the Autolap by position works, at the the Activity Start, the app remembers the start location, every time you pass the start location the App will Autolap.
If you press the Manual Lap, a second lap by location will be used. And every time you pass the Start Location and the Manual Lap location, the App will AutoLap.
The auto lap function uses a the default 25 meter radius(40m diameter) circle, once you enter the Autolap circle the app will Autolap when you start to move away from the GPS Lap Location. If your missing laps use the larger radius in configuration.
Consider the picture below, the yellow dot is the GPS Autolap location. The Green arrows is the direction traveling. Once you enter the circle, the app will auto lap. In this case it will lap as you cross the Yellow dot(at the redline).
If you entered the 25m radius circle and turned around (at the Blue Arrow) and leave the circle the App will Autolap at the Red Dot

Few suggestions,
1.) The app needs a good GPS lock, wait until the GPS is GREEN.
2.) Set Data Recording to every second. This is located in the watch, under the main menu, Settings>System>Data Recording> set to every second.