HeartMonitor Datafield and Application released

Heart Monitor Datafield  &    HeartMonitor + HRV App


These Apps may detect possible types of irregular beats, irregular heart rhythms, palpitation (missed or double beat) or premature ventricular contractions (PVC) during your activity and provide HRV during an activity or during a monitoring session.

These APPs are for enjoyment purposes only


View a Sessions from Connect
Monitor+ HRV
Run with Monitor DataField

This Heart Monitoring simulates the latest that Apple is doing in there iWatch.
The FREE datafield will provide live monitoring of the R-R heart rate (rrhr) and a count of any abnormal detections of beats (xHr).

The FULL version ($0.99) datafield provides live monitoring of the R-R heart rate (rrhr) and a count of any abnormal detections of beats (xHr) plus the following additional graphs and data:

IQ Graphs*:
R-R HeartRate– this is the live heart rate in beats per minute of the R-R waveform (this value fluctuates)
R-R interval time– This is the time between the R-R pulse of the heart beat (in milliseconds)Raw Heart Rate – this is the unfiltered heart rate provided by the Heart Rate Monitor (chest HRM)
HRV – Live HRV data during your activity.
Location of Abnormality – this provide a marker to see the location of the detected irregular Heart Rate. + value double beats detected, – value skipped beat detected.
rMSSD (application only) Root mean square of the successive differences
*Best viewed at connect.garmin.com site.

Expanded View of R-R Heart Rate, R-R Interval and Location of Abnormality.

IQ Data:
aHRV-Average HRV of the activity
Double Beats – Number of Double Beats detected
Skipped Beats – Number of Skipped Beats detected

1.) How to install datafield
Add to a Garmin Base App (Run, Bike, Swim, etc.)
Goto the Menu, from the watch, long press the Up button or the long touch the screen.a
Goto Settings, Activities & Apps, APP, App Settings, Data Screens, add to a screen and Field
Select Field and ConnectIQFields, Select HeartMonitor.

2.)Disable your Chest HRM
Goto the Menu, from the watch, long press the Up button or the long touch the screen.
Goto Settings, Sensors & Accessories, find the chest HRM (HR-XXXXXX), Set STATUS to OFF.
Save serial number for the HRM. HR-XXXXXX. XXXXXX is the serial number.

3.) To prevent detecting other Chest HRMs, Set the Device to the serial number of the HRM (XXXXXX) or leave at ‘0’ = ALL (If 0, HeartMonitor selects the first found HRM)
In the DataField Configuration, in either connect or express this is set.

Connect: click the watch icon (upper right), click ‘Activities & App Management’, data fields, Select HeartMonitor, then settings. Enter HRM Device Serial Number

Express: Click IQ Apps, find Heart Monitor. Click the three dots by the ‘Heart Monitor’ Name. Enter HRM Device Serial Number

4.) This Datafield –REQUIRES– a Chest HRM and is best to use, in conjunction, with a Optical HR watch. This is due to the Chest HRM will be dedicated to this Datafield.

5.) To unlock full version
Connect: click the watch icon (upper right), click ‘Activities & App Management’, data fields, Select HeartMonitor, then settings. Enter Code and eMail.
Express: Click IQ Apps, find Heart Monitor. Click the three dots by the Name

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