DozenWalk Update

DozenWalk v3.0

• Adds SaO2, Respiration rate and Training Effect data values in supported devices.

• Adds new Models

• Stability Update

•• All Error Reports (ERA) issues resolved

•• Defaults memory storage on initial start CIQ 2+ devices

• Removes deprecated AppBase.getProperty() and setProperty() data storage from CIQ 2.4+ devices.

•• Uses Application.Property.getValue() & .setValue(). CIQ 2.4+

• Using Connect IQ SDK 6.4.2-2024-01-04-a1dd13ee0


-Brian B.

To unlock use these instructions, there are 3 different ways to unlock but requires Garmin Connect Mobile app.

Video Unlock instructions:

Codes* are no longer needed, use your purchase email to unlock.

At Watch & Connect Mobile app – Unlock Instructions: (CIQ watch 2.0+)

1. Have the mobile Garmin Connect App (GCM) open, connected to the watch (in Connect, Watch Icon (top right) will have a Green LED beside the watch) and with access to the internet either wifi or LTE. Leave Garmin Connect running on your phone.

2. Have the watch app at the “Start Screen” with the ‘b’ (the ‘b’ indicates the watch is connected to the phone GCM),

3 Long press the Up button (touchscreen Long Press the screen), scroll down, select Unlock.

4. Enter your purchase email, using the watch buttons or touchscreen

a. Start button to accept letter, back to undo

b. Select ‘OK’ when done

5. Back out to start screen Red Bar will be removed.

6. Use unlock menu again, to verify unlock information.

Connect IQ Store & Connect Mobile apps – Unlock Instructions:

1. Then Using Garmin Connect IQ Store (GCIQS) App, Go to App settings, to enter your email*, then save.

2. Close the IQ store app completely on your phone.

3. Open Garmin Connect App (GCM), connect to the watch (in Connect, Watch Icon (top right) will have a Green LED beside the watch) and with access to the internet either wifi or LTE. Leave Garmin Connect running on your phone or device.

4. Have the F3b app at the “Start Screen” with the ‘b’ (the ‘b’ indicates the watch is connected to the phone GCM),

5. Wait at the F3b app start screen until the Red Bar disappears. (3-10 seconds).

Express (PC/Mac) & Connect Mobile app – Unlock Instructions:

1. Using Garmin Express, Go to App settings, to enter your email*, then save.

2. Disconnect watch from PC.

3. Have the mobile Garmin Connect App (GCM) open, connected to the watch (in Connect, Watch Icon (top right) will have a Green LED beside the watch) and with access to the internet either wifi or LTE. Leave Garmin Connect running on your phone or device.

4. At the watch, open the App. At the “Start Screen” with the ‘b’ (the ‘b’ indicates the watch is connected to the phone GCM),

5. Wait at the F3b app start screen until the Red Bar disappears. (3-10 seconds).

Renewal – Unlock Instructions:

1.On your phone, In Garmin IQ Store App, Go to App settings, set Update App and verify your email*, then Save

2. Close the Garmin IQ Store App

3. Open mobile Garmin Connect App (GCM), wait until the

Garmin Watch/Edge is attached. (in Connect, Garmin Watch/Edge Icon (top right) will have a Green LED beside the Garmin Watch/Edge)

4. Leave Garmin Connect running on your phone or device.

5. At the watch, start the F3b app. Stay at the Start Screen with the b ( b indicates the Garmin Watch/Edge is connected to the phone GCM),

6. Wait at the F3b app start screen until the Red Bar disappears. (3-10 seconds).

* Sometimes the information does not save the first time after a new install or update. Restart your watch and verify if the information is entered correctly.

HeartMonitor (datafield): Unlock Instructions (use the Code/email combination).

1. Using Connect Mobile App, Connect IQ Store or Garmin Express, Go to App settings, enter your email and Code, then Save.

Period Tracker – Unlock instructions:

1. Have the mobile Garmin Connect App (GCM) open, connected to the watch (in Connect, Watch Icon (top right) will have a Green LED beside the watch) and with access to the internet either wifi or LTE. Leave Garmin Connect running on your phone or device.

2. Have the Period Tracker Widget shown on the watchface,

3. In Garmin Connect, select watch Icon(top right), select Appearance> Widgets> Period Tracker> Period Tracker Settings> enter your email*, uncheck(OFF) the Verify/Validate button, then Save.

4. Wait at the Period Tracker screen. (3-10 seconds).

5. Scroll to another Widget then back to Period Tracker screen, Trial Message will be removed.

If you are having a problem:

– Disable any VPN, firewall or ad Blocker that may stop the Connect Mobile App data to/from my server.

– Restart your watch and verify if the information is entered correctly. Sometimes the information does not save the first time after a new install or update.

-Uninstall the app, restart the Garmin device twice and install again.

-I recommend using Garmin Express for any Garmin software update or CIQ installation.

-If the app is shown to be installed but not visible on watch, restart the watch.

-If the app will not install, restart the watch.

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Useful Links:

Garmin Connect Mobile App Download ->

Garmin IQ Store App Download ->

Garmin Express Download ->

Garmin Forums ->

F3b CIQ App Store ->

F3b Help Page ->

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F3b Privacy Notice ->


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